Amanda Bellamy
Personal Training 🏋️‍♂️ Nutrition 🍎 Fitness Goal Setting 🎯

About Me

Introducing a fitness journey fueled by determination and passion for helping others. My name is Amanda Bellamy. As your personal trainer and nutrition coach, I will be dedicated to guiding you towards a healthier, stronger and more confident version of yourself.

From an early age, I experienced the ups and downs of body composition , fluctuating between being too lean and a little fluffy. But I refused to settle for mediocrity. I embarked on a transformative path, educating myself about all things fitness and nutrition. Ultimately, I challenged myself to competing in bodybuilding. 

Those MONUMENTAL challenges propelled me forward, igniting a desire to make a lasting impact on others’ lives. I made the conscious decision to become a personal trainer and nutrition coach, driven by the belief that everyone has the power to make positive changes. Together, we can break free from excuses and build muscles both physically and mentally.

What does “make muscles, not excuses” mean? It is a mindset that rejects complacency and embraces accountability. I will be your unwavering support systems, holding you accountable to your goals and empowering you to overcome obstacles. Together, we will explore the world of nutrition, helping you improve your eating habits, lose fat and tone up. Remember, every body is unique, I am committed to finding the approach that works best for you.

I offer a holistic approach to fitness, combining personalized training programs with tailored nutrition guidance.  Through one-on-one consultations, we will delve into your individual needs, preferences and aspirations. Together, we will design a comprehensive plan that aligns with your goals and fits seamlessly with your lifestyle. 

So, are you ready to embark on a transformative journey? Don’t let excuses hold you back any longer. Take the first step towards an healthier, stronger and more confident you. Schedule your free consultation today and let’s embark on your fitness journey together. Remember, it’s time to make muscles, not excuses.