Amanda Bellamy
Personal Training 🏋️‍♂️ Nutrition 🍎 Fitness Goal Setting 🎯

Services & Rates

Personal Training, One-On-One

30 minutes: $30
55 minutes: $50
8 Session Package: $360
12 Session Package: $480

During a personalized training session with me, you can expect a comprehensive and tailored approach to achieve your fitness goals. Here's what you can anticipate during a typical session: 

1. Initial Assessment: Our first session will begin with a thorough assessment of your current fitness level, health history, and specific goals. This evaluation allows me to design a program that suits your individual needs. 

2. Goal Setting: We will discuss your short-term and long-term goals, whether it is weight loss, muscle toning, strength building, or overall fitness improvement. Together, we will establish realistic and achievable targets. 

3. Customized Workout Plan: Based on the assessment of your goals, I will create a personalized workout plan just for you. This plan will incorporate various exercises, including cardio, strength training, flexibility, and functional movements to ensure a well rounded approach to fitness. 

4. Proper Form and Technique: I will guide you through each exercise, emphasizing proper form and technique to maximize effectiveness and prevent injuries. I will also provide modifications or progressions as needed, based on your abilities and progress. 

5. Motivation and Support: As your personal trainer, I will provide continuous motivation, support and accountability throughout the session. I will push you to your limits while ensuring your safety and well-being. 

6. Fitness Education: In addition to the workout itself, I will education you about the principles of exercise, nutrition and lifestyle habits that will compliment your fitness journey. This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions and maintain a healthy lifestyle beyond our sessions. 

7. Progress Tracking: I will regularly track your progress measuring key metrics such as weight, body measurements, strength gains and overall fitness improvements. This helps us monitor your progress and make necessary adjustments to your program. 

8. Adaptations and Challenges: As you progress, I will continuously adapt and challenge your program to keep you engaged and motivated. We will gradually increase the intensity, introduce new exercises or training techniques as well as set new goals to ensure ongoing growth. 

9. Personalized Attention: Throughout the session, you will receive one on one attention, guidance, and feedback from me.  I will be there to answer your questions, address your concerns and provide ongoing support. 

10.  Enjoyment and Fun: While the primary focus is on achieving your fitness goals, I believe in making the training sessions enjoyable and fun. We will work together to create an environment where you feel comfortable, confident and excited to push your limits. 

Remember, each training session is personalized to your unique needs and goals. With Amanda Bellamy Fitness, you can expect a dedicated and professional approach to help you transform your health, strength and overall well being.

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Personal Training, Bestie Sessions

55 minutes: $70

Experience our Bestie Session with Amanda Bellamy Fitness, where you and a  loved one can train together and achieve your fitness goals side by side. Whether you are mother and daughter, sisters, spouses, or best friends, this personalized session is designed to create a fun and supportive environment. Here is what to expect: 

1. Personalized Assessments: I will assess each of your fitness levels and goals to create a tailored plan you you both.

2. Customized Workout: Our plan will include exercises that challenge and inspire you as a team.

3. Partner Exercises: Enjoy exercises that promote teamwork, communication and trust between you and your partner. 

4. Motivation and Support: I will be there to cheer you on , push you and celebrate your achievements together.

5. Modifications and Progressions: Each exercise will be adjusted to suit your abilities ensuring a safe and effective workout.

6. Friendly Competition: (Optional) If desired, we can add friendly competition to keep things excited. 

7. Fitness Education: Gain valuable knowledge to support your fitness journey beyond the session.

8. Memorable Experience: Create lasting memories and a stronger bond while improving fitness. 


for a Bestie Session that combines fitness and friendship. Contact me now to book your session and start your journey together!

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Bootcamp Classes

Drop In Rate: $20
8 classes (Valid for 30 Days): $100
Unlimited Attendance for 30 Days: $120

 The ultimate Bootcamp experience designed to unleash your inner strength and empower you like never before...

Join us for an exhilarating fitness class that pushes your boundaries and sculpts your body all while fostering a sense of ca

maraderie. Each session is carefully crafted to provide a well rounded workout and will target all major muscle groups, improving cardiovascular endurance and enhancing athleticism. 

Imagine a dynamic training ground where you'll conquer challenges alongside likeminded individuals. Our diverse workouts include circuit training, interval strength exercises, and team based challenges. With each session, you'll experience new activities that keep your body guessing and your mind engaged.

You will be guided through each exercise by a skilled motivator providing personalized attention and modifications as needed. I will help you tap into your hidden reserves of strength and determination. 

Beyond the physical aspect, we create a supportive community where individuals encourage and uplift one another. Forge new friendships, find accountability partners and discover a sense of belonging that goes beyond class. Together, you'll celebrate achievements, conquer obstacles and inspire each other to be the best version of yourselves. 

Whether you are a fitness enthusiast, athlete or someone beginning your fitness journey, our bootcamp is perfect for you. Get ready yo break barriers and emerge stronger, fitter and more empowered than ever before. Join us and unleash your Femme Fatale power! 

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Remote Training Plan via Trainerize

30 Day Training Plan: $40

Achieve your fitness goals from anywhere. 

Are you looking for a personalized training plan that fits your unique goals and busy schedule? Look no further! My remote personal training plans are designed to provide you with a customized 30 day program tailored specifically to your needs, all from the comfort of your own home or preferred workout location. 

With my remote training plans, you will receive expert guidance and support from a certified ELITE personal trainer who will create a comprehensive workout program just for you. Whether you want to lose weight, build strength, improve endurance or enhance overall fitness, our plans are designed to help you achieve your specific goals. 

Here’s how it works: After an initial consultation to discuss your goals, fitness level, and equipment availability, I will craft a personalized 30 day training plan exclusively for you. You’ll receive a detailed schedule of exercises, sets and reps, along with video demonstrations land instructions to ensure proper form and technique. I will also provide guidance on your nutrition and lifestyle habits to optimize your results. 

One of the greatest advantages of our remote training plans is the flexibility they offer. You can work out at a time that suits you best, without worrying about scheduling conflicts or travel Time to the gym. Plus, as your trainer, I will be with you every step of the way, providing regular check ins, progress tracking and answering any questions you may have. 

With remote personal training plans, you get the benefit of a customized workout program, professional guidance, accountability, all conveniently delivered to your fingertips. NO matter where you are on your fitness journey, I am here to help you reach your goals and unlock your full potential. 

Don’t let distance or a busy schedule hold you back form achieving the results you desire. Take the first step towards a healthier, fitter you by signing up for remote personal training plans today!

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Nutrition Plans and Guidance

30 Days: $45

Introducing a 30 day nutrition program: Fuel your fitness journey with smart eating!

As a dedicated personal trainer, I understand that achieving your fitness goals isn’t just about exercise, it is also about nourishing your body with the right foods. That is hwy I am thrilled to offer a comprehensive nutrition program to complement your training and maximize your results. 

My nutrition program goes beyond generic meal plans, I will provide you with a personalized approach to nutrition taking into account your goals, dietary preferences and lifestyle. Together, we will develop a tailored nutrition plan that aligns with your fitness journey and helps you make sustainable, long term changes to your eating habits. Here is what our nutrition program entails: 

Example Meal Plans: I will take the out the guesswork! We will consider your dietary requirements, food preferences and fitness goals to ensure your meals are delicious as well as nutritious, You will receive a breakdown of macronutrients, portion guidance and a variety of recipes. 

Nutrition Education: We believe knowledge is power when it comes to making informed dietary choices. That’s is why you will learn ab out macronutrients, portion  control, mindful eating and strategies for maintaining a balanced diet. With this knowledge, you will be empowered to make smart food choices even outside the confines of the program. 

Ongoing Adjustments: As your body and goals evolve, so should your nutrition plans. I will regularly assess your progress and make the necessary adjustments to optimize your results. Our program is flexible and adaptable, allowing us to fine tune you r meal plans and make modifications whenever needed. 

By combining our personalized nutrition program with your dedicated training efforts, you will experience a holistic approach to fitness that yields exceptional results. You’ll fuel your body with the right nutrients, optimize energy levels, enhance recovery and accelerate progress towards your goals. 

Invest in your long term health and fitness with my comprehensive nutrition program today. Together, we’ll unlock the power of nutrition and empower you to achieve lasting success. 

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